
KPC Establishes Green Initiatives

Company News | October 18, 2020

Kingery Printing Company’s Chain of Custody Commitment:

What is Chain of Custody? Chain of Custody is the unbroken path which products take from the forest to the consumer, including all stages of manufacturing, transformation, and distribution. Chain of Custody certification is required whenever a company carries out any physical alterations to the timber/products, they take physical or legal ownership of the timber/product, and whenever a company wishes to make independent use of the FSC® or SFI® trademarks.

Chain of Custody Certificates

For years Kingery Printing Company became bi-certified for Chain of Custody standards established by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) and Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC).

To download copies of the Kingery Printing Company Chain of Custody Certificates, click the links below:

KPC SFI CoC Certificate

KPC FSC CoC Certificate

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